The Serpent

// Cursing the Internet since 1998

CEbit Hannover, Germany 2005

Posted January 19, 2005 Hardware

On the 9th of March for the next 7 days, hundreds of techies alike descended on the quiet little town of Hannover, Germany to witness one of Europe’s largest Computer exhibitions.

There were many companies there, including Intel, AMD, Asus etc, but the one we were truly interested in were Abit!

Abit decided (following scary rumours!) that they will display their upcoming boards, complete with 945\955 chipsets. We managed to get our hand on some pics for you to stare at!

We also managed to hunt down some cool looking new ASUS boards, for both Intel and AMD platforms, as well as Zalman’s new Fata1ity coolers (copying Abit a little aren’t they?)


As you can see from the picture above, ASUS are also planing to release new boards based on Intel’s new chipset. It looks like SATA and PCI-E 1x are starting to become more mainstream.


Zalman also had their new series on display, pushing towards the more large 120mm sized fans running at a slower speed, reducing noise without sacrificing it’s cooling ability.

The following board was a little confusing and must have been for a server based system (the memory was a dead giveaway), but with a staggering 12GB support, SATA2 and dual gigabit LAN, who can resist!


I liked the look of the following Abit board, boasting similar features as ASUS’s K8N, it has typical unbuffered RAM support of up to 8GB, and features the Glenwood chipset, most likely with the ICH7 south-bridge chipset.


Oh I can’t wait till upgrade time!

CEbit Hannover, Germany 2005
Posted January 19, 2005
Written by John Payne