Digging up the Past
GeneralConsidering how long The Serpent has been online, we’ve not done a great job of making some of our older content available. It seems to get lost with every re-write, database change or new hosting provider. Well that changes now! Starting today, you can read some of the crap we’ve written as far back as 2002, and plenty of other articles since then. The database is a little worse for wear, so there are many years missing, but we’ve made available what we can.
Some of the more embarrassing articles (from a technical perspective of course!) are back. I’ve chosen not to change them, and instead leave them as a monument to juvenile stupidity. Others are quite enlightening thanks to a little hindsight.
That’s not to say some haven’t been updated. Some of the more popular ones will get a fresh new look, with more relevant content for todays modern IT guru. There’s something quite pleasant about having old Windows 98 content still lingering around though.
Head over to the Categories section, and all the old stuff can be found under Archive.